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Angular Development At Logiprompt Pro Academy

Welcome to Logiprompt Pro Academy, a premier corporate training institute in Trivandrum, specializing in front-end internships with a focus on Angular development. Our courses are designed for professionals and students, equipping them with the skills needed to succeed in today’s tech-driven world, where Angular plays a critical role in front-end development.

Angular Development Training Institute

As a leading training institute in Kerala, Logiprompt Pro Academy is known for its commitment to quality education and industry relevance. Our Angular training program is led by seasoned professionals who have extensive experience in Angular development . They bring real-world insights and hands-on expertise to every session, ensuring that our students gain practical Angular skills that are directly applicable to their careers, whether in AI, web development, or full-stack development.

Why Choose Logiprompt Pro Academy for Angular Training?

Located in the heart of Thiruvananthapuram, Logiprompt Pro Academy stands as a beacon of excellence in Angular and AI education. Our centrally located campus is easily accessible and equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to support effective learning. At our institute, students don’t just learn the syntax and structure of Angular; they delve into how Angular frameworks can be integrated into AI projects, enhance user experiences, and streamline front-end development. They also develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that are essential for innovating with Angular in the rapidly evolving tech landscape.

1. Introduction to Web Development and Angular (24 hours)

  • Basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Overview of Angular Framework
  • Setting up the development environment

2. Angular Architecture and Components (32 hours)

  • Understanding Angular modules and components
  • Component lifecycle and hooks
  • Data binding and interpolation

3. Directives and Pipes (24 hours)

  • Using built-in directives
  • Creating custom directives
  • Understanding and creating custom pipes

4. Services and Dependency Injection (24 hours)

  • Creating and using Angular services
  • Understanding dependency injection
  • Injectable services and providers

5. Forms in Angular (32 hours)

  • Template-driven forms
  • Reactive forms and form validation
  • Handling form submissions

6. Routing in Angular (24 hours)

  • Configuring Angular routing
  • Route guards and navigation
  • Lazy loading modules

7. HTTP Client and Observables (24 hours)

  • Making HTTP requests
  • Handling Responses with Observables
  • Error handling and asynchronous programming

8. Testing in Angular (24 hours)

  • Unit testing with Jasmine and Karma
  • E2E testing with Protractor
  • Writing testable Angular code

9. State Management with NgRx (32 hours)

  • Introduction to NgRx and Redux pattern
  • Actions, reducers, and selectors
  • NgRx effects and asynchronous state management

10. Angular CLI and Build Optimization (16 hours)

  • Using Angular CLI for project scaffolding
  • Build optimization techniques
  • Deployment strategies

11. Advanced Angular Features (40 hours)

  • Animations in Angular
  • Internationalization (i18n)
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) features
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

12. Angular and Backend Integration (24 hours)

  • Integrating Angular with backend services
  • Authentication and authorization
  • Handling security concerns

13. Angular Best Practices and Code Optimization (16 hours)

  • Code structure and organization
  • Performance optimization tips
  • Accessibility considerations

14. Project Work and Real-world Applications (70 hours)

  • Applying knowledge to real-world projects
  • Building a complete Angular application
  • Continuous integration and deployment practices

15. Exploring Angular Ecosystem (16 hours)

  • Angular Material for UI components
  • Third-party libraries and modules
  • Staying updated with Angular releases