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It is designed to facilitate the development of robust and maintainable web applications by providing an elegant syntax, modular architecture, and a variety of built-in tools and features. It is often used for building a wide range of web applications, from small projects to large enterprise-level systems. Here are some of the core components of Laravel:

  1. Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping): Eloquent is an advanced implementation of the active record pattern that provides a simple and expressive way to interact with databases. It allows developers to interact with database tables using PHP objects, making database operations more intuitive.
  2. Blade Templating Engine: Blade is the default templating engine in Laravel. It provides a clean, yet powerful, syntax for defining views and includes features like template inheritance, control structures, and directives. Blade templates are compiled into plain PHP code for improved performance.
  3. Artisan Console: Artisan is the command-line interface included with Laravel. It provides a number of helpful commands for common tasks, such as database migrations, testing, and code generation. Developers can also create custom Artisan commands to automate specific tasks.
  4. Routing: Laravel’s routing system allows developers to define how the application responds to HTTP requests. It enables the mapping of URLs to controllers, helping to organize and structure the application’s logic.
  5. Middleware: Middleware acts as a filter for HTTP requests entering the application. It allows developers to perform tasks like authentication, logging, and modifying request/response objects before they reach the application’s core logic.
  6. Controllers: Controllers are responsible for handling incoming HTTP requests, processing data, and returning appropriate responses. They help in organizing the application’s logic by separating concerns related to request handling.
  7. Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping): Eloquent is an advanced implementation of the active record pattern that provides a simple and expressive way to interact with databases. It allows developers to interact with database tables using PHP objects, making database operations more intuitive.
  8. Authentication and Authorization: Laravel provides a built-in authentication system that simplifies the process of implementing user registration, login, and password reset functionality. It also includes facilities for managing user roles and permissions.
  9. Testing Support: Laravel comes with support for PHPUnit and provides convenient methods for testing applications. Developers can write unit tests, feature tests, and integration tests to ensure the reliability and correctness of their code.
  10. Dependency Injection and IoC Container: Laravel utilizes a powerful Inversion of Control (IoC) container, which facilitates dependency injection. This helps in managing class dependencies and promotes the writing of testable and modular code.


  • Installation
  • Configuration


Why Laravel

Creating the first project

Artisan CLI

MVC Architecture

Laravel Project Structure

Routing with Parameters



Blade Engines

Passing data to Views

Extence, yield, section, endsection

Asset function



Restful Resource Controllers


Connecting to Database


Up down methods

Table (exercise)


Using Query Builder

  • Insert Records
  • Retrieve Records
  • Update Records
  • Delete Records
  • Joins

Eloquent ORM

  • Insert Records
  • Retrieve Records
  • Update Records
  • Delete Records
  • Joins
  • Exercise


Authentication using Laravel

Ui package


Accessing session data

Storing session data

Deleting session data

File uploading

Project challenge (E-commerce)